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Information Literacy for Researchers Virtual Classroom

The development of literature review writing skills within a virtual classroom environment constitutes the Information Literacy module of an NRF/DSSH programme designed to build the research capacity of technikon researchers. See more here.


Postgraduate projects

roslyn2.jpg (12667 bytes) Roslyn Armugen

An annotated bibliography of South African Indian writings in English. (M.Tech)

Moira Pye

The development of a collection of fables, mythology, fragments and stories as a hypermedia resource. (M.Tech)

serina.jpg (19445 bytes) Serena Brink

A virtual learning environment for the professional socialization of Library and Information Studies students. (M.Tech)

nellie.jpg (7089 bytes) Nellie Somers

An investigation into the digital scanning of photographs in archival collections. (M.Tech)

Portia Rakoma

An investigation of the management and maintenance of an online subject directory with particular reference to the South African Literature Online resource. (M.Tech)

Departmental Research 2000
Departmental Research 2001
B Tech IR4 Projects 2002
UDW/DIT Collaborative Projects 2003